Apple cider vinegar for hair growth


Apple Cider Vinegar For hair: Get Healthy Hair Naturally

Apple cider is an alcoholic drink derived from fermented apple juice. It is a kind of liquid that has been produced during the fermentation of apple cider. During this process, the sugar present in apples is fermented by the yeast or bacteria added into the cider, which then turns it into alcohol and then lastly, into vinegar.Like other types of vinegar, the main ingredient in apple cider vinegar is Acetic Acid. Apple cider vinegar also contains other substances such as Lactic Acid, Citric Acid, Malic Acid, and Bacteria. From many years, Apple Cider Vinegar has been used as a home remedy to treat many health ailments as a disinfectant and natural preservative. You can also use apple cider vinegar for hair health, growth, and shine.

Apple Cider Vinegar helps in boosting our health in many different ways. It has the capacity to enhance our beauty. If we use it as a beauty regime then, different types of acids present in it helps in maintaining the PH balance of our skin and scalp. It also fights off bacterial infection and body odour.


how to use apple cider vinegar for healthy hair

This Vinegar would be a magical potion for our hair. It is a proved natural cleansing and balancing treatments for your hair and scalp. The acidic nature of Apple Cider Vinegar helps exfoliate dry and itchy flakes from our scalp. It also helps in getting rid of residues on scalp, hence boosting the shine of hair. It can be either used just for rinsing the hair or may be used in several types of hair packs.

  • Mix 2 – 3 tsp of apple cider vinegar with 1 ltr of water.
  • Now pour it and let it spread evenly on you scalp and hair.
  • Leave it for 20 min.
  • Now wash your hair with mild shampoo.
  • Do it 2 time in a week.


Here are 10 benefits of apple cider vinegar for hair and i am sure if you know and use it as a natural treatment for hair, it will give you amazing results in the form of a healthy, shining, lustrous hair at home naturally.

1. Restore The Ph Balance Of Scalp

Human hair and scalp is healthy if its PH balance lies between 4.5 and 5.5. Due to the usage of chemicals present in different sort of products the ideal PH level of our hair gets manipulated. Once the PH increases or decreases, it gives rise to all hair related problems such as hair fall, dandruff, itchy scalp, frizzy hair, split ends, dry cuticles etc. Apple Cider Vinegar helps in re-balancing the disturbed PH balance of our hair.

2. Cleanse Out The Chemicals

These days variety of hair product is available in the market. Hair styling products are usually chemical based. But its usage is very much in trend in order to get the desired results or style our hair. When we use such products continuously on our hair gradually it starts making a thin layer of chemical in our scalp which inhibits the supply of oxygen and other nourishing compounds. Apple Cider Vinegar helps in the gentle cleansing of this chemical layer from the scalp.

3. Intercept And Heal Dry And Itchy Scalp

As Apple Cider Vinegar is possessed with antibacterial and anti-fungal qualities it is very effective for use over dandruff and itchy scalp. It mildly removes the dandruff from scalp and also makes a protective layer which further prevents the growth of any type of fungus and bacteria. Regular rinsing the hair from this Vinegar gives amazing result.

4. Reconstruct The Shine In Hair

We all are buying branded, most demanding and expensive products for maintaining the beauty of our hair. How much the company is claiming for not using any chemical in their product but more or less all the shampoos are chemical based. So, rather using shampoos inculcate the habit of using Apple Cider Vinegar. Give an Apple Cider Vinegar wash to your hair twice a week. It provides natural shine and sheen to the hair.

5. Blocks Hair Fall

Apple Cider Vinegar is very helpful in sudden blocking of hair loss. It is enriched with the goodness of antifungal and antibacterial properties. It also regulates the ph level of our hair and scalp. Regular use of Apple Cider Vinegar for hair also makes a protective layer over the scalp and hair. All these properties stops the hair fall and hence promoting hair growth too.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar For Hair Growth

Usage of Apple Cider Vinegar gives fabulous hair. It is a good and effective source which humans are using for hair from past many years. It promotes hair growth due to its versatile properties. Apple cider vinegar inhibits the growth of bacteria, fungus and other pathogens also maintain ph level thus providing all the necessary conditions for the hair growth.

7. Smoothens Up The Hair Cuticle

Natural Acids are considered as a good source of antibody. So the natural acidic nature of Apple Cider Vinegar encourages smoothing down the cuticles of our hair. It is also very helpful in managing the tangled and frizzy hair. Apple Cider Vinegar for hair serves as a natural hair conditioner.

8. Boost Up The Hair Volume

Apple Cider Vinegar when used regularly it gives us rid from the basic hair problems. It balances the ph level. Also stops the growth of harmful pathogens, bacteria and fungus. Hence, promoting the growth of the hair and its volume.  

9. Natural Antiseptic

Due to antiseptic in nature, Apple Cider Vinegar serves as a natural antiseptic also. It provides healing from minor head wounds and cuts caused due to combing or styling.

10. Hydrates The Hair

Apple Cider Vinegar hydrates the hair naturally by intacting the hair moisture. It is a perfect source of natural moisturizer for those who have frizzy and curly hair. It stops and discourages the growth of fungus and bacteria thus keeping the hair moisture secure for long hours.


  • Apple Cider Vinegar is a no option for those who are allergic to vinegar and their components.
  • Due to the presence of Sulphites in it, it may cause irritation to those whose body reacts against it.
  • There is no such proven research that, use of Apple Cider Vinegar for hair is suitable or fit.
  • As It is highly acidic in nature so its excess use may create some harmful effects over the hair.
  • Again due to its acidic nature it also makes the hair excessively dry.

Some Important Question To Answer For The Uses Of Apple Cider Vinegar For Hair.

1. Question: Is Apple Cider Vinegar Bad For Hair?

Answer: It is not harmful for your hair but excessive uses of ACV can make hair dry. This way you might have problem of hair breakage.

2. Question: Does Apple Cider Vinegar Help Hair Grow?

Answer: Apple cider vinegar keeps hair follicles healthy as it ward off bacteria and maintains scalp PH balance. This way it is very beneficial for hair growth as it prompts hair follicles health.

3. Question: How Often Should Apple Cider Vinegar Be Used On Hair?

Answer: Excessive uses of vinegar can make your hair dry and brittle so it is suggested that one should use it only 2 time in a week as a hair rinse.

4. Question: Does Vinegar Make Hair White?

Answer: It is not true. As we know that it is acidic in nature so it can leave hair brassy. But topical application of apple cider vinegar don’t make hair white.

Hope you like this really informative article about apple cider vinegar uses for hair. If you have more ideas and beauty tips please share with me . You r the most  welcome.
