Get beautiful Skin


Along with glucose honey has proteins, vitamins, enzymes and amino acids. It has been used in so many skin care treatments for centuries. So many cosmetic products have honey as its main ingredients. Honey can be the all time famous treatment for your skin too. Being a rich source of anti-oxidants, it is a natural cure for different skin problems. Honey has amazing anti bacterial properties which keeps skin infections at bay. It has great soothing and moisturizing properties too. It can give you a healthy, soft and glowing skin easily. So let’s know the benefits of honey on face or skin.


Acne and pimples is a common problem for teenagers. Don’t worry there is no need to use any expensive cosmetic product. Simple application of honey on face can prevent and cure acne. Being a natural skin cleanser it cleans skin pores from deep hence it prevents bacteria (causing acne) growth.

How To Use

Apply simple honey on the area where you have acne or pimples and leave it to dry. After some time wash your face with water.


You can use honey to moisturizer as it has great humectant properties. This means it hydrates your skin by locking the moisture to skin cells. It is very beneficial for People who have dry skin as it will make their skin soft and hydrated. So simple apply a thin layer of honey on your face and after 15 min wash with water.


Reason of black head is the accumulation of dirt, dust and grease on face. As we already know that Honey is a natural skin cleanser so it clears dirt, dust and other pollutant from skin. Skin with no blackheads needs proper cleansing and it can be done easily by using honey on face.

How To Use Honey For Blackheads

  • Apply some honey on your face
  • Wait for 15 min
  • Now take a towel and soak it in worm water and rinse it
  • Now rub this towel on your face gently for 8- 10 min.
  • Now wash your face and see the result.


Accumulation of dead skin cells can make your skin dull. So you need skin exfoliation for a brighter complexion. Honey can be used as an exfoliating agent. So either you use simple honey or honey face mask, it is very effective in removing dead skin cells. So check this honey and baking soda face mask to remove dead sin cells.

How To Use

  • Take 2 tsp of honey .
  • Add 1 tsp of baking soda.
  • Mix it well and apply it on your face.
  • Now rub skin gently with this.
  • Wash after 15 min.


We all love to have a soft, supple and glowing skin. This can be achieved easily with honey either you eat it or apply it on your face directly it can make your skin glow naturally. So just take some honey on your fingers and do massage for 5 min. leave it there for next 10 min and wash. This is very easy and effective step for a glowing skin instantly at home.

You can also make different face packs for glowing skin with honey. Here is an easy face pack which you all can make with no time.

How To Make

  • Take 2 tsp of honey in a small bowl
  • Add 1 tsp of milk or curd
  • Apply it on your face and do some massage
  • Lave it for 15 min and wash
  • You can use this any time whenever you need instant glowing skin.


Honey contains hydrogen peroxide which is a powerful anti oxidant to lighten scars and marks. You can use it simply on affected areas or you can use honey with tomato juice to lighten marks and spots from your face.

How To Make

  • Take 2 tsp of honey and 2 tsp of tomato juice
  • Mix it well and make a paste
  • Apply it on the area where you have marks and spots
  • Do some gentle massage in a circular motion
  • Leave it to dry and wash with water
  • Do it 3 – 4 time in week for faster results


Honey is a natural Humectant which makes it an anti aging substance. As we already know that honey hydrates our skin and keeps it moisturized for longer time. This way it maintains skin elasticity and keeps wrinkles and fine lines at bay. So add honey in your skin care routine and it will help you In slow down aging. You can apply it directly or you can use honey and cinnamon face mask for wrinkles and fine lines on face.

Honey And Cinnamon Face Mask

This is an amazing and really effective face mask for your skin. It cures acne, makes skin soft, glowing, prevents wrinkles and fine lines.

How To Make

  • Take 2 tsp of pure honey
  • Add 1 tsp of cinnamon powder
  • Mix well and apply it face
  • After 15 min wash with normal water
  • Do it 3 – 4 time in a week for desired results

Hope you like this article. If you know more benefits of honey on face please write me in the comment box. Share your queries and suggestion with me. 
