
Showing posts from May, 2020

Apple cider vinegar for hair growth

* GET HEALTHY HAIR  NATURALLY: Apple cider is an alcoholic drink derived from fermented apple juice. It is a kind of liquid that has been produced during the fermentation of apple cider. During this process, the sugar present in apples is fermented by the yeast or bacteria added into the cider, which then turns it into alcohol and then lastly, into vinegar.Like other types of vinegar, the main ingredient in apple cider vinegar is Acetic Acid. Apple cider vinegar also contains other substances such as Lactic Acid, Citric Acid, Malic Acid, and Bacteria. From many years, Apple Cider Vinegar has been used as a home remedy to treat many health ailments as a disinfectant and natural preservative. You can also use apple cider vinegar for hair health, growth, and shine. Apple Cider Vinegar helps in boosting our health in many different ways. It has the capacity to enhance our beauty. If we use it as a beauty regime then, different types of acids present in it helps in maintaining the PH balanc

Get a smooth skin


Lose Belly Fat

 SIMPLE BUT EFFECTIVE TIPS TO BURN VISCERAL FAT Belly fat or visceral fat is very harmful to our entire health as it also brings other dangerous diseases to you. This is the most searched term now a day on google “ How to lose belly fat easily “. Increasing weight is especially a big problem for women. If you take the correct diet and follow a few simple rules, then you can easily  burn your belly fat  and maintain your toned body for a lifetime. Here we are going to tell you some of the most convenient and easy, Tips and remedies which you can use in your day to day life to get rid of a  big fat tummy . These tips to lose belly fat are really effective and easy. 1.  Consume Low Fat Diet For losing  bodyweight  or belly fat it is very important to understand our daily diet. Because whatever we eat directly affects our health. So to overcome obesity we should keep a proper check on our eating habits such as what we eat when we eat etc. These things completely affect our body weight. We

Healthy Hair


Get beautiful Skin

HONEY ON FACE BENEFITS:  Along with glucose honey has proteins, vitamins, enzymes and amino acids. It has been used in so many skin care treatments for centuries. So many cosmetic products have honey as its main ingredients. Honey can be the all time famous treatment for your skin too. Being a rich source of anti-oxidants, it is a natural cure for different skin problems. Honey has amazing anti bacterial properties which keeps skin infections at bay. It has great soothing and moisturizing properties too. It can give you a healthy, soft and glowing skin easily. So let’s know the benefits of honey on face or skin. 1. HONEY FOR FACE ACNE Acne and pimples is a common problem for teenagers. Don’t worry there is no need to use any expensive cosmetic product. Simple application of honey on face can prevent and cure acne. Being a natural skin cleanser it cleans skin pores from deep hence it prevents bacteria (causing acne) growth. How To Use Apply simple honey on the area where you

Remedy for Acne (pimples)

Tea Tree Oil  Tea Tree oil has strong bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Applying it to the skin has been shown to reduce Acne. Step 1:    Mix one part tea tree oil with 9 parts of water. Step 2:   Dip a cotton swab into the mixture and apply it to the affected areas. Step 3: Apply mosturizer if desired. Note:    Repeat this process 1-2 times per.                day as needed.

Remedy for Acne (Pimples)

Honey mask  Yogurt, honey, cinnamon, essential oils and otge ingredients can be used to create soothing masks that help tl hydrate skin and fight common causes of acne.    Step 1: Mix one tablespoon of raw honey with one tablespoon of Yogurt . Step 2: Apply to face, paying particualar attention to hairline, Jawline and other acne prone areas. Step 3: Relax for 10 minutes and gently wipe off with a damp cloth . Alternatively :   Mix two tablespoon of.       honey, one tablespoon of coconut oil  and 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon. Smooth over the face . Keep away from eyes, as the cinnamon can be an irritant . Relax for 5-10 minutes and gently remove with damp cloth . Honey and Cinnamon  used together helps to fight acne beacuse of it's anti-inflammatory antioxidant and anti bacterial properties. Note  -  Add a couple of drops of tea tree oil to either of the mask above during an active acne breakout . Tea tree oil is considered one of the best home r

Banana face pack

Banana is full of vitamins and minerals , Vitamin A , B ,C and E and minerals such as Patassium , nourish and hydrate the Skin. They make the skin soft and gkowing and also lighten blemishes.   Banana  act as a great exfoliator which helps in sloughing off excess sebum on the skin surface. Here is how to use it. Step 1: Mash the banana in the milk and.                 apply it on face and neck . Step 2: Leave it for 15 - 20 minutes. Step 3: Rinse with water. Rub an ice cube.              all over the area for a few seconds. Note-  Apply bnana on your face once or.             twice a week. Banana is good for all.            skin types.   

Daily Beauty Care

Ubtan for Glowing skin: Ubtan is basically a face pack recipe for  healthy and glowing skin that has been passed down the generations. The coarseness of the Lentils , rice and oatmeal will remove dirt and dead cells from the skin. Turmeric , as we know will fade out blemishes and give the skin a natural Glow .  Almonds also nourishes the skin with essential oils to keep it hydrated. Step 1: Take 1 cup split red lentils    (masoor dal) or chickpea flour (besan) . 1/4 cup raw rice , 8-9 almonds , 1/2 cup oatmeal , A pinch of turmeric , water or rose water. Step 2: Grind the Lentils , rice and almonds either separately or together . To this powdered mixture , add the oatmeal and turmeric powder. Step 3: Mix well and add enough water or rose water to make a smooth paste . Step 4: Apply this paste evenly on the face and neck . You can also apply this pack all over the body. Step 5: Let the pack dry. Then, wash with normal water.  Note- Use tgis ubtan once in a 7-10 days